Sandalore - Miracle Hair Growth Oil (PURE)
Sandalore, a powerful, diffusive and extremely tenacious product, imparts a rich, warm, natural sandalwood character to perfumes, as well as volume and substantivity. Together with Ebanol, it serves as an effective sandalwood replacement.
Sandalore has been found to slow down death of hair follicles and also boost their growth. It was found that by applying it to the scalp tissue, the scalp could "smell" the Molecule, proven by its reaction.
Sandalore has been identified as an agonist of the cutaneous olfactory receptor OR2AT4, and found to induce strong Ca2+ signals in cultured human keratinocytes. The long-term stimulation of keratinocytes with Sandalore positively affected cell proliferation and migration, and regeneration of keratinocyte monolayers in an in vitro wound scratch assay (i.e., sandalore stimulation also enhanced epidermal "wound healing" in human skin organ cultures).